Naturing you!

Rêverie is an emotional voyage

Reverie is an emotional voyage

The state of reverie is like living a “waking dream” / a daydream.

Rêverie comes from the verb rêve, to dream in French. The concept of Rêverie was used in psychoanalysis to describe a function of the mind that enhances the ability to dream and elaborate thoughts (alpha function, W. Bion, 1897-1979). Rêverie also channels a feeling of flow characterised by a pleasurable state of total involvement and success in the process of creativity (Flow. M. Csikszentmihalyi, 1934 - 2021).

Immersion in Nature, as well as in the process of artistic and creative expression, are experiences that evoke sensations and emotions that allow you to embody your true nature, giving yourself the space and time. Such as in Greek philosophy the word Kairós, linked to a state of plenitude, expressing the “right and opportune moment”.

Rêverie are these constructive moments between  intra and inter-relationship, opening up the possibility of creating new connections within your mind, benefiting the body and spirit. We know that the ability to “dream life” contributes to health and well-being, and that is an inspiration. As the Portuguese psychoanalyst Coimbra de Matos (1929-2021) said, “Dreaming and loving favours life”.

Taking Rêverie breaks means having quality time to dream about the future, it is a way of sowing positive seeds for (your) life!


Human Development


Expressive Therapies

Self-Care and Well-being

Find the balance with Nature and Creativity

These days, we feel life is demanding! The Digital Age requires us to be frequently “connected” to endless information and external stimuli. Taking a thoughtful break and then rejoining with more creativity and health is increasingly essential. It's a necessity, but above all, it's a choice in favor of your self-care.

Practicing mindfulness in Nature sparks your senses and prompts the means to a holistic disconnecting from everyday life. Nature is wise and magical, abundant and transformative, a valuable co-creative partner for anyone who wants to improve their well-being and quality of life.

In addition, creative expression through painting, writing, music and dance are also advisable methods to unwind. In expressive therapies we give you the opportunity to free yourself through colour, sound, movement and language… experiencing the poetry of existence! Art therapy invites the expression of creativity and the process of personal and interpersonal discovery. Expression is revelation!


Immersions in Nature

Creative Experiences

Disconnection - Connection

Shares and Memories


Connection is synonymous with association, affinity and relationship.

Mammals are social beings that need to feel connected to themselves, to others and to the natural environment that surrounds them. Several recent scientific studies indicate that the interconnection between human beings, and between themselves and Nature, is extremely important for a fulfilling and authentic life, which produces many benefits for our bio-psycho-social health.

Shared experiences in Nature promote the feeling of belonging and contribute to improving subjective well-being, more empathy and better self-esteem.

We invite you to participate in a unique and creative wellness experience, where together in Nature, we will co-create a safe place to explore feelings.