A Leonor

I value sharing magical and special moments with people. I feel a strong connection to everything old, from stories to objects. I love traveling and getting to know other realities. I cherish the feeling of freedom. I don't consider myself an artist, but I like to express myself through different artistic and creative forms such as painting, writing, listening to music and dancing. I like blue and the depth of the sea, but I also like green and the security I feel on dry land. I like looking at the sky, watching the stars and dreaming. I'm amazed by the creativity expressed in nature, its colors and geometries, and the cycles of life that manifest in it.

I believe that 'Life is an adventure where we can live our dreams rather than just dream them'.

The creation of Rêverie - EcoWellness Experiences is proof of this for me! It allows me to integrate, and offer through my service, the different human skills acquired throughout my personal and professional life experience.

And yes, I am a dreamer... with my feet on the ground!

Rêverie, more than a feeling, is a state of mind related to the joy of living. A space that fosters creativity.

Academic Background

Degree in Psychology since 2005, specialist in clinical and health psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Order (OPP) since 2010, CP nº 007833. Art therapist, certified in 2006 by SPAT - Portuguese Society of Art Therapy. Member of the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) since 2018. Certified trainer. Initial training in coaching and team coaching.

In recent years, she has worked mainly with groups in the field of training for personal, interpersonal and professional development.

She facilitates actions and workshops to develop human potential. She uses creative expression as a tool to promote the acquisition of psycho-emotional and behavioral skills.

Currently integrates the “Nature” dimension into her practice, as a co-facilitator of processes for well-being and quality of life.

Professional and Personal path

I started my career in the tourism sector, as a sales secretary and management secretary. In 1992 I entered an aeronautical career, as an airport operations officer at Faro airport, where I remained until 2021! During those years I did a degree in psychology and discovered my passion for artistic and creative expression. I combined my work at the airport with my private practice, and also spent a few years volunteering, putting thematic art therapy into practice with groups of children, adults and the elderly. Over the last 20 years I've taken part in various courses and activities to further my professional development and personal growth. Recently I've had various training courses that motivated me to create Rêverie, from story telling; wellness tourism, health and well-being; creative tourism; nature-based therapies, among others.

Throughout my life I've taken painting and modeling classes, and I did theater for several years. It has always been important for me to have a creative hobby. I am a student of the biocentric model and practice Biodanza.

In 2021 I decided to start a new path in my personal and professional life. In 2023, I presented “Rêverie”, my entrepreneurial project.